
Showing posts with the label CLIMATE CHANGE

Global warming and climate change: What's the difference?

Global warming and climate change: What's the difference? This time, we're going to talk about a hot topic: climate change. Here, we'll discuss the effects of this phenomenon briefly and simply, as well as how it differs from another popular term: global warming. By Roberto Diaz Blanco Although the terms climate change and global warming are sometimes used interchangeably, they are not synonymous. The evidence is obvious that the Earth is warming. Climate change is a word that is widely used to describe environmental devastation around the world. Climate change - what is it? According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), any major change in climatic measurements that lasts for an extended length of time. As a result, climate change encompasses considerable variations in temperature, precipitation, and wind patterns, among other things, over several decades or more.  How does global warming work? It's important to distinguish between climate change and global

Renewable Energy's Future is Threatened By Global Warming.

Renewable Energy's Future is Threatened By Global Warming. In spite of what common sense may tell us, solar energy and climate change are not good partners. By Roberto R. Diaz Blanco   A recent study published in Nature illustrates how global warming is diminishing solar irradiation—or, in layman's terms, sunny days—exactly in the places on the earth where photovoltaic output is currently highest. As a result, climate change has a detrimental impact on solar energy output on a worldwide scale, and will continue to do so in the near future. Another recent study has backed up these findings, showing how, in the instance of Australia, local solar and wind energy production has declined in recent decades. The true significance of both studies is that they focus on a larger issue: transitioning to renewable energies is one of the keys to mitigating and minimizing climate change; however, it's possible that before that happens, global warming will cause critical changes in atmosp

6 Denialist Arguments About Climate Change That You Should Clarify

6 Denialist Arguments About Climate Change That You Should Clarify As political leaders around the world discuss the agreements needed to reduce the volume of greenhouse gasses, there is a problem that has been little talked about: misinformation about climate change. By Roberto R. Díaz Blanco It is not just the climate change denial conspiracy theories that circulate through messaging applications where they have found their very convenient echo chambers. The British newspaper The Guardian recently exposed how Fox Weather, the Fox network channel dedicated to information about the climate, constantly misinforms in its reports: it does not mention the increase in the temperature of the planet as a cause associated with tornadoes , hurricanes, floods, forest fires and snowfalls that frequently affect different regions of the world. Misinformation about climate change can be even stickier than anti-vaccination demonstrations against COVID-19 in the streets. According to a study by Arizon

The Truth About Climate Change In a few Words

The Truth  About Climate Change  In a few Words Why are we so concerned about climate change, what has caused it and what are the risks? The causes of the greenhouse effect created by human activities and the commitments made to reverse the trend. By Roberto R. Diaz Blanco Life on Earth exists thanks to a combination of three factors: the right distance from the Sun, the chemical composition of the atmosphere and the presence of the water cycle. Specifically, the atmosphere ensures that our planet has a climate suitable for life thanks to the so-called natural greenhouse effect. When the sun's rays reach the Earth's surface, they are partly absorbed and partly bounced outwards; if the atmosphere did not exist, they would be dispersed into space, but instead a good part of them are retained and sent back to Earth by some gasses present in the atmosphere, precisely the greenhouse gasses (among them are mainly carbon dioxide and methane, but also others such as water vapor). Thus