
Showing posts with the label LIFE

We Are Weakened By Prolonged Stress. Here Are 10 Anti-Stress Foods.

We Are Weakened By Prolonged Stress. Here Are 10 Anti-Stress Foods.   In order to recover and beat it, we need to replenish the nutrients and other substances that help make dopamine and serotonin. By Roberto R. Díaz Blanco A physiological response to a genuine or imagined threat is called stress. The body prepares to fight or run-in stressful conditions, even though stress is common today due to our hectic lifestyles. In any event, it's critical to replace nutrients that the body uses more frequently during those times, such as vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, and omega-3. Also, keep in mind that your body requires extra energy. That's why, when we're stressed, we seek more processed foods with hydrogenated fats and a lot of sugar or salt, which are temporary pleasures that throw off the nervous system's balance. We can relieve tension, normalize blood sugar, and de-stress by eating healthful foods. Some baked meals aid relaxation and sleep. Pumpkins, sweet potatoes, pot

7 Truths Why You Can Not Be Happy

7 Truths  Why You Can Not  Be Happy Happiness is something that is in our hands, it is an attitude towards life, a daily decision. By Roberto R. Diaz Blanco  We often wonder what makes happy people different from unhappy people. While there are people who, before or after difficult circumstances, have the ability to go through these processes and continue to be motivated and happy people, others, when a painful situation occurs, remain remembering it and suffering for years. In this post we will reveal 7 Truths Why You Can Not Be Happy: 1. Obsession. People who obsess over little things every day: what they have to do, what their partner told them, what happened yesterday with a partner, their weight, their image... they lose the possibility of enjoying the present. By constantly remembering something that worries them, they are presenting the situation, suffering again, for something that has already happened or has not happened yet. In general, they are people with a high degree of d

How Much Water Sould I Consume On A Daily Basis?

HOW MUCH  WATER SHOULD I CONSUME ON A DAILY BASIS? By Roberto R. Díaz Blanco To prevent dehydration, drink plenty of water throughout the day. What amount of water should you drink on a daily basis? When the temperature outside soars, you know how important it is to drink enough water. Staying hydrated is a daily essential, regardless of the weather. Unfortunately, many of us, particularly the elderly, do not drink enough water. "Thirst in older people is not as great as it was when they were younger. This could be a problem if they're using a diuretic or another drug that causes fluid loss "Dr. Julian Seifter, a kidney specialist and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, agrees. The advantages of drinking water Water ensures the proper functioning of all the body's systems. Water fulfills a number of functions, such as: transporting nutrients and oxygen to the cells. eliminating bacteria from the bladder,  aiding digestion and preventing constipa

5 Simple Ways To Invest In Yourself And Change Your Life

5 SIMPLE WAYS TO INVEST IN YOURSELF AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE By Roberto R. Díaz Blanco  Prosperity, which is described as "favorable course of things" and "good success or success in what is undertaken, happens or occurs", is a state desired by means of all and performed by way of these who are clear that it is inside everyone's reach, and that it is merely adequate to be aware of how to align with it. You can spend a lot of time and effort for the good of others. However, in many instances we overlook our needs, which leads to a lengthening in personal desires in any area of life. How to make investments in yourself and for that reason be in a position to develop individually and professionally?     INVESTING IN YOURSELF: 5 IMPORTANT KEYS Nowadays, it is viable to discover a lot of self-help data centered on private development. But the most handy element is to obtain a recommendation from an expert. Brian Tracy is one of them. Consultant to more than 1,000 compani

How To Improve Your Life In Less Than 30 Minutes?

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR LIFE  IN LEESS THAN 30 MINUTES? By Roberto R. Díaz Blanco Making a great action doesn’t have to be the only way to improve your life. Instead, it’s something you can work on all the time—and it usually boils down to the little things you do on a daily basis. I understand that with work, family, and bills to pay, no one has all the time in the world to think about self-improvement and personal growth. So let's start with only 30 minutes a week. That’s all there is to it—I’m sure you’re paying attention now. What I’m asking is that you attempt one (or two, or five, or all) of these things to see whether they help you become a better “you”, whether that means raising your confidence, reducing stress, developing deeper relationships, or becoming a healthier person. 1. Cultivate mindfulness I'm sure you're weary of hearing from your (recently) yoga-crazed mother that you should "absolutely try meditation." However, because it does not require years